Monday, December 22, 2008

2 weeks!

I can't believe that I am actually leaving in 2 weeks. This whole process still seems very surreal. Traveling abroad is something that I've always daydreamed about, but now that it's here... I'm not too sure. Though I am nervous, I want it to be here now! With Christmas and the New Year in the next two weeks I know the time will pass quickly, which is probably good! I am sick of talking about it. Since it's the holidays my family wants to hear about my plans, but they always try to relate it to themselves, which is hilarious. When I tell them I am studying in Scotland they inevitably reply, "Oh neat! My sister's preschool teacher's neighbor's ex-boyfriend's dog's obedience trainer went to Scotland once." I have perfected the art of replying (with enthusiasm of course), "Oh really, that's awesome!"

I must admit that I do have my moments in which this seems like a terrible idea. I was doing some preliminary packing this week with my mom and she asked me which hooded sweatshirt I wanted to take... I asked "which sweatshirtS." "No Katy, which sweatshirt... as in singular." She then grabbed a sweatshirt and put it in one of my two suitcases... it took up a fourth of the suitcase. It was then that I had a bit of a breakdown. I am not sure why the thought of only having one sweatshirt for 5 months sent me over the edge, but it did! It was then that I began to ask myself, "Katy, darling, why on earth did you think that this was a good idea? Since when is MOVING to another country "fun"? I took a few deep breaths and reminded myself that I would never let it go if I didn't get on the plane. 

Now with all the paperwork filled out and the bank account drained, the next two weeks are filled with all the random issues. Such as my drivers license expiring while I'm abroad (I'll turn 21) and the need for a 5 months advance supply of contacts. However, these "wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night" panic thoughts keep me busy! Keeping busy keeps me excited and not (too) scared!


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